Data for Policy 2022 – Ecosystems of innovation and virtual-physical interactions: Call for Special Tracks
The seventh edition of the international Data for Policy conferences will expand to a hybrid physical-virtual format in December 2022, with in-person conferences held in three regions. We hope that this model will allow maximal, inclusive participation from all geographic regions, while limiting environmentally unsustainable, long-distance travel. This is an experimental model that we are keen to try, to enable efficient global knowledge sharing in the post-Covid world.
The conference has six standard tracks, corresponding to its areas of interest, introduced in 2021. The 2022 conference chairs also invite special track proposals, which can lead to publication of a special collection of articles in Data & Policy. Special tracks will draw on and build communities around areas of interest, with a view to continuing in future years. Proposals are directed to developing conference sessions in one or more of the areas of interest, or in relevant emerging areas. We particularly encourage authors to consider areas of importance/challenge in their regions. The theme of the conference provides another frame of reference for authors to consider, reflecting current hot topics for global dialogue. This focus should not be seen as limiting, and we welcome special track proposals on any relevant topic.
Those interested in organising a special track at the Data for Policy 2022 Conference should visit the Call for Special Tracks webpage for full details of the submission, review and post-acceptance process. The deadline for Special Track Proposals is 10 March 2022. Following review, we will inform Special Track leads and feature successful proposals in the main call for papers for the conference.
For further information, please visit the 2022 conference webpage.