Digital Ethics & Algorithm Assessment – Pre-conference Workshop

Workshop Overview

On June 10, 2019, Data for Policy CIC, with the support of the UCL Digital Ethics Forum, hosted a tutorial titled “Digital Ethics & Algorithm Assessment.” This engaging session was led by esteemed presenters Zeynep Engin and Adriana S. Kosiyama.

The session featured thought-provoking discussions that examined the consequences of algorithmic bias and the responsibilities of developers and users in mitigating these risks. Participants engaged in practical exercises designed to enhance their understanding of ethical frameworks and assessment tools for algorithms. The diverse backgrounds of attendees fostered dynamic exchanges of ideas, promoting collaboration and critical thinking about the implications of technology in society.

Overall, the workshop equipped participants with valuable insights and actionable strategies for evaluating and improving algorithmic systems in their respective fields.

Workshop Programme

Central to the workshop was the examination of key ethical principles—fairness, accountability, transparency, and privacy. Engin and Kosiyama presented ethical decision-making models and methodologies for assessing algorithms, empowering participants with tools to critically evaluate the impact of technology on individuals and communities.

As the conversation shifted to the risks and vulnerabilities associated with algorithms, attendees discussed the importance of identifying biases in data and decision-making processes. The workshop also highlighted effective strategies for mitigating harm while promoting responsible innovation, emphasizing the role of regulation and governance.


Engin and Kosiyama urged participants to apply the concepts learned in their respective fields and provided resources for further exploration of digital ethics. The event wrapped up with an informal networking session, allowing attendees to connect and discuss potential collaborations. The “Digital Ethics & Algorithm Assessment” workshop was a resounding success, serving as a catalyst for continued engagement and exploration of ethical considerations in our increasingly algorithm-driven world.

About Speakers

  • Zeynep Engin is the Founding Director of Data for Policy CIC and Editor-in-Chief of Data & Policy Journal, with ultimate responsibility for journal content. She is also a Senior Research Associate at UCL.
  • Adriano S. Koshiyama is a Research Fellow in Computer Science at University College London. He is the Co-founder of Holistic AI, a start-up focused on providing assurance of AI systems. Academically, he has published more than 30 papers in international conferences and journals. His main research topics are related to Machine Learning, Finance, Trustworthy AI. He also holds BSc in Economics and an MSc in Electrical Engineering.

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