Focus Areas
Data for Policy Focus Areas
The Data for Policy community has grown in size and area since its inception in 2014. With an increasing number of sectors and disciplines represented, in 2021 the community leadership put forward a six area framework intended to aid organisation of journal and conference contributions.
This framework of six focus areas is intended to evolve with the community, capturing the dynamic nature of the data for policy research space. The framework is applied flexibly, with recognition that the areas are interrelated, and that research may fit into more than one area. The development of this framework is described in our inaugural Data & Policy report.
We work with a committee of experts for each area; these committees function to lead peer review of conference and journal submissions in their respective areas, and engage with the wider community to encourage new submissions and stimulate interdisciplinary thinking.

Figure 1: Data for Policy six-area framework to organize community contributions across conference and journal activities.
The current membership of the area committees can be found on our People page.