Data for Policy CIC Organisation & Governance

Boards & Committees

CIC Board of Directors: The Board of Directors is responsible for the management and oversight of the CIC’s business, to ensure that the stated aims and statutory obligations of the CIC are fulfilled. The directors make decisions on the strategic direction of the CIC, and on matters such as development proposals or operational changes. Day-to-day running of the CIC is delegated to the executive team. 

CIC Advisory Board: The Advisory Board provides expert guidance for the executive team of the CIC. They receive written updates on CIC activities and provide feedback and challenge, as well as advice on developments in the field of policy-data interactions.  

Area Editors: Area editors are organised into committees which correspond with the six areas of interest for the conference and journal. Within their committees, area editors play a pivotal role in sourcing peer reviewers for submissions to the conference and journal. They also act as advocates for the community, promoting the conference and journal and encouraging submissions thereto.

D&P Advisory Board: The D&P advisory board convenes twice a year to provide strategic advice and support to the journal.  

D&P Editorial Committee: The D&P editorial committee meets twice a year and contributes to the development of the journal in several ways. Editors undertake thematic commissioning, leading to special collections of articles on a related topic. They may also propose a special track for the conference, which can also lead to a special collection of papers. In addition, they may act as advisors to area committees. 

D&P Guest Editors: Guest editors undertake thematic commissioning but are not members of the editorial committee. This includes special collections from other conferences. 

Details of conference committees can be found on the People page.

Details of journal board/committee membership can be found on this page.