Understanding, Facilitating, and Connecting AI and Data Science Futures in SubSaharan Africa’s Public Sector: Pre-conference strategic workshop

Jul 18, 2024

Through the continued generous support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, we were able to invite a group of experts from SubSaharan Africa (SSA) to attend a pre-conference strategic working group on 8 July, at Imperial College.

In the impressive boardroom of the Data Science Institute, distinguished experts, scholars, and policymakers gathered to consider understanding, facilitating, and connecting AI and data science futures in SSA’s Public Sector. This strategic working group was the third gathering in a series, following events in Nairobi (March 2023) and Accra (October 2023), continuing our mission to examine SSA’s role in the global data/policy sphere.

The objective of the meeting was to develop actionable proposals that prioritize, reflect, and address the goals, strategies, needs, and contexts of SSA stakeholders along the AI and data science “research to policy pipeline”. Diasmer Bloe, research consultant on the project, informed the distinguished audience of the findings of Data for Policy CIC’s work in SSA, and described important future initiatives in AI and data science that would promote responsible and responsive algorithmic governance and public service delivery. Attendees engaged in a lively debate to critique and refine these initiatives.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all participants for their contributions to this highly productive meeting.

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