Igor Calzada

University of the Basque Country, Spain

Prof. Dr. Igor Calzada, MBA, FeRSA, is a Full Professor in Social Sciences and Humanities and Established Researcher (R3) (www.igorcalzada.com/publications). He works as Principal Investigator in Ikerbasque (Basque Foundation for Science) at the University of the Basque Country, Public Policy & Economic History Department (Spain) as well as at Cardiff University/WISERD (UK), being since 2022 Fulbright Scholar in California (USA) collaborating as Fellow with Decentralization Research Centre (Canada). He is currently an Invited Professor at Warsaw School of Economics SGH (Poland), Indian Institute of Technology ITT Delhi (India), and Budapest University of Technology and Economics BME (Hungary). For a decade (2012–2022), he has been Senior Scientist at the University of Oxford, European Commission DG Joint Research Centre, UN-Habitat, and has held academic positions in 14 universities worldwide (particularly, UK, USA, Belgium, Italy, and Spain). From 2002–2011, he worked at Mondragon Cooperatives and held a Director of Innovation & Technology position in the Basque Government (Spain). His research currently revolves around how decentralization as a paradigm shift can change the course of data-opolies and AI through emerging Web3 Decentralized Technologies including case studies in different fields around Blockchain, DAOs, and Data Co-operatives. Google Scholar: 4808 citations, h-index 32, and i10-index 66. He has been nominated as Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential Academic in Government.