Conference Tracks

Data for Policy has six non-domain specific and overarching focus areas for the conference and journal. The areas are interrelated and do not indicate siloed activity. They are rather an articulation of the breadth and depth of the vision and mission for improved data-driven decisions and policymaking, which is the ethos of the Data for Policy community. 


The six standard focus areas are as follows (see linked page for full description):

Area 1: Digital & Data-driven Transformations in Governance

Area 2: Technologies & Analytics

Area 3: Policy & Literacy for Data

Area 4: Ethics, Equity, and Trustworthiness

Area 5: Algorithmic Governance

Area 6: Global Challenges and Dynamic Threats

The standard focus areas are complemented by four special tracks for Data for Policy 2025 – Europe Edition (see linked page for full description):

Special Track 1: Private Sector Data for Public Interest in the EU – Government-Business Data Relations

Special Track 2: Bridging the Gap: The role of Data Intermediaries in the Creation of Urban Digital Twins

Special Track 3: Security and Justice Policy in the Age of Algorithms and AI

Special Track 4: Data Law & Governance for the Digital and Green Transitions