Multimodal Dissemination for DfP’25 Regional Editions
The Data for Policy 2025 Conferences offer a comprehensive multimodal dissemination approach for your research:
- Streamlined Publication Process: Full papers will be published as part of the conference proceedings in Data & Policy journal (subject to peer review and any necessary revisions).
- Preprint & Materials Sharing: Authors can upload a preprint of their paper, along with relevant materials such as slides and datasets to Data for Policy’s Zenodo community. The uploaded materials will be assigned a DOI, ensuring they are citable.
- Pre-recorded Video Presentation: Authors submitting full papers will have the opportunity to present a full-length, pre-recorded video of their conference presentation on Data for Policy’s YouTube channel. The video will be accessible to conference delegates prior to the event and, with permission, will be available to the public afterward.
- Opportunity for Full Paper Submission After the Conference: Authors who present individual extended abstracts at the conference can choose to submit a full paper to Data & Policyafter the conference for consideration.
Data & Policy is an open-access journal published by Cambridge University Press, indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, and the Directory of Open Access Journals, with a 2022 Impact Factor of 2.6 (Journal Citation Reports).